RWTH Aachen University together with Universitas Gadjah Mada brought together more than 100 experts from business, politics and science in Yogyakarta, Indonesia on July 25 and 26 under the title “German-Indonesian Talk on Research for Society”.
Discussions were held on the topics “Making Water Supply resilient for Future”, “Circular Economy of Metals” and “Sustainable use of Georesources: Mining – Managing Geohazards” with the aim of outlining joint research areas and describing a road map for future cooperation between German and Indonesian researchers.
On the opening day, high-ranking representatives of BRIN, the Indonesian National Research Agency, and DIKTI, the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, presented keynote speeches on the newly structured funding opportunities and priorities of the national research strategy.
In two further presentations, representatives of German and Indonesian industry explained the perspective on but also the problems with Indonesia’s current research ecosystem.
The event was another successful activity of the GetIn-CICERO project. The GetIn-CICERO project is the BMBF funded research presence of RWTH Aachen University at Gadjah Mada University.
Under the motto of the conference “Together for Future Collaboration”, the signing of a Student Exchange Agreement by deans of the cooperating faculties added another dimension, as joint research and science will also be accompanied by exchange in the academic training of young researchers.
Likewise, the graduates already produced by the cooperation of the two universities were not forgotten. The conference was preceded by an alumni meeting organized by DAAD, where besides the presentation of the work of the very successful GetIn-CICERO project, the foundation of a RWTH alumni club in Indonesia was prepared.